KQ Entertainment is a comparatively small agency but is increasingly recognized for ATEEZ's rising popularity and its older musicians, including Block B, EDEN, MADDOX, and Babylon.

The label released a statement on August 28 about viral articles and comments they have encountered regarding malicious motives targeting their musicians. They vow to act immediately against this kind of personal attack against their talents, urging supporters to report something they see that could be taken against legal action.

The following message was posted on their musicians' social media pages and their official site. The letter started with a warm appreciation for all the fans who continuously supported their artists, in spite of the worldwide pandemic. The label went on to explicitly expose some of the slanderous remarks made by negative commenters attacking their musician's reputation. These people repeatedly posted nasty stuff and share misleading information about their artists, damaging their credibility and image in public.

KQ Entertainment made a point of saying that these grave acts cause mental anguish to their artists, including their careers. "To safeguard our musicians' rights and interests, we advise you that we will keep monitoring and lawfully react to any kind of defamation, aggressive posting and spreading fake news. Again we emphasize this with no lenient treatment or consensus; we will act strongly. Also, we will continue taking civil action against potential libel and punitive damages." (via Koreaboo)

KQ Entertainment concluded their statement by giving the fans and concerned netizens an instruction on how to send them possible malicious contents posted on the internet: