Seo Ye Ji shared her thoughts in a recent interview and pictorial with Harper Bazaar magazine on how her experience in filming the hit drama “It’s Okay To Not Be Okay.”

Seo Ye Ji talked about her character, Go Moon Young, with deep affection. She explained that she lived her life as Go Moon Young for the past few months, and she went deep on explaining on playing the role of Go Moon Young, who is a storybook writer with a painful past. It had affected Seo Ye Jin personally on an emotional level.

The actress added that through the character of Go Moon Young, a woman who faced trauma and healed her wounds, she underwent the same healing as well. Seo Ye Ji said that it was a struggle, but it made her much happier, and she will remain the memory as a character who continues to grow on her own.

In the interview, Seo Ye Ji was asked if she ever experienced a moment in her life that she feels like something is out from the storybook. She replied that she is unsure if she has had one yet, but maybe that was a storybook-like moment. That moment can be a good or bad one, and it will depend on how the person will feel the situation.

Meanwhile, in the previous month, the actress Seo Ye Ji talked about her not watching the drama when it aired, but she did catch the last episode at her home rather than monitoring her acting. She watched it from a different perspective of a viewer, and she felt that it was convincingly depicted the healing of the character’s emotional wounds after a long time, which warmed her heart.

Seo Ye Jin left a message for her 20-year-old self, saying that she does not let your feeling get hurt and overcome the problems because she believes that she is pretty. (Via Soompi)