Former AOA member Mina has posted an alarming statement regarding her sleeping anxiety, making her fans worry about her.

The former AOA member Mina has been focusing on her mental health after she revealed that she had been bullied by the group’s members and her record label. The former idol posted a statement on her social media account that she has a hard time sleeping.

Mina posted a selfie along with a long written caption stating that she has a hard time sleeping after taking numerous sleeping pills. In the post, she talked about having losing the trust of people she has relied on in the past and not knowing what a human being is nowadays.

Mina wonders if she can do something about it, but every time she does, she is hesitant in creating something. The former AOA member stated that if there is someone out there, who is a good psychiatrist that gives good advice and prescriptions in the Dongsan or Ilsan Area of South Korea that can help her.

Meanwhile, Mina’s fans have encouraged her to be strong in her time of crisis with one fan saying, ‘Please stay well. If you want to talk, I’m not a psychiatrist, but I’m here for you” with heart emoticons. Another of Mina’s fan also replied to her post that she should go and see a doctor and be healthy.

In a previous report, Mina reopened her Instagram account with fans welcoming her with open arms. However, other netizens gave the former AOA member unpleasant messages on the social media platform.

A netizen posted malicious messages to Mina, stating, “You’re so funny. You act pitiful and sell out the remaining stocks. Next time, go meet God Himself.” “You write such a good story because people come to rescue you every time you kill yourself,” the malicious commenter stated.

Other netizens pointed out that the malicious commenter was a foreigner because its use of the Korean language is broken, and when writing the hateful message, was certainly using Google translate. The kind-hearted netizens also commented on Mina’s post to not pay attention to the negative statement and focus on the good.