After Goo Ho In, the brother of the late idol Goo Hara, filed a lawsuit against their mother for demanding half of Goo Hara's inheritance, their mother has chosen to speak out in an interview.

On JTBC's "Spotlight" telecast on July 23, they conducted a meeting with Goo Hara's mother, who reportedly is in a court battle with her son over Goo Hara's succession dispute settlement. Each of her parents got half of Goo Hara's assets after she died last November.

While their dad has granted his son his heritage, Goo Ho In objects to his mother's request during the second quarter of the interpretation of article 1008-2 of the Law on Civil Act, which strives at equality between co-inheritors. This implies that one person, who produced the descendants or made a contribution to the preservation and increase of their property, should be given priority among direct inheritors. (via Soompi)

Goo Hara's brother said his dad provided support for his children and their basic needs. After her sister's debut in the entertainment industry, he also supported her significantly as a parent.

In an extensive interview, Goo Ho In also revealed that his mother had moved out of the house while he and Hara were young, and for the next three decades, all forms of communication between them stopped.

In 2006, Goo Ho In said their mother made an appearance at Goo Hara's funeral, claiming that she was one of the head mourners of her family, even though she gave up her parental rights and care. At the burial, he said their mother took a video with her mobile to gather proof.

In response, their mother defended herself and denied that she was recording. She stated that she was calling her son to ask for the family chief mourner's clothes. Suddenly her son and ex-husband started causing trouble at the burial, claiming she didn't record the scene but pressed 'record' at the moment.

As for her plan to designate lawyers for the later part of the funeral procession, she expressed that it was due to a recommendation from the aunt of Goo Hara. Her mother commented that she told her lawyers to take care of everything on their own as she grieves for her daughter, who died, saying money is not essential.

She went on to say that people kept saying horrible things on her as the idol's mother but claim she has her reasons. Poverty, and the guilt that she wanted to raise them, but she couldn't, made her decide not to do so.

She refuted the cheating controversy and revealed that she works night time, and her ex-husband suddenly comes up with a knife and threatens to kill her.

Her mother said that she did not suddenly appear because her daughter went to find her. Shedding tears, her mom admitted that she's grateful because Hara didn't forget her and admitted that she was indeed apologetic at the time of her passing.