Jo Kwon shared his sexual orientation through the latest, in-depth interview and how the public has viewed it as the greatest treasure of his existence.

Jo Kwon replied with pride "Heels" when questioned about the essential thing he holds dear in his entire life. Jo Kwon has a line of lovely heels at home!

Sure, he doesn't wear it when he dances, but he appears to become energetic even by gazing at his stunning heels. He shared that he has 15 pairs at home. Jo Kwon admitted that, since he was just a small boy, he's adored heels. He could hear his aunt walking with her heels clicking on the floor and fall madly in love with her shoes.

In light of how traditional Korean culture is, gentlemen in heels still are someone viewed negatively. Considering what a conservative Korean culture is now, people wearing heels are sometimes unhelpful with a frowning. Usually, because of his character and interests, Jo Kwon was accused by various managing labels and allegations, but he now realizes that this is what makes him different.

"If you take somebody and say you 're just like this or that, the world will suffer its Karma. I was depressed during my 20s as everyone looked at me and thought, 'This is he, and he must be that.' I was in so much mental anguish. But I began to believe that my genderless appearance was my primary weapon, after rendering my military service in my 30s. I wanted to make my own 'Jo Kwon' version." (via Koreaboo)

Since he has often discussed his image without sexual identity, he has set himself not to classify everybody's taste and pictures as one thing.

He wants to build and fully accept his self-image and brand, "Jo Kwon!" Given how Jo Kwon can flaunt and possess the world better, many of us live today with his heeled shoes. With his set of absolutely gorgeous treasures, Jo Kwon deserves upwards of his best life.