Yellow Bee's disbandment has created many conflicting statements regarding the abrupt news. Many speculated that the said disbandment was due to a member's alleged "disorderly private life."

On July 31, the Yellow Bee's label, Addiction Entertainment has released a statement through its official fan café. It said that Yellow Bee, who debuted in 2017, was about to launch its third digital album 'DVD' after the change of the member lineup.

The label claimed that they are already plotting the plans for the debut. But due to the promiscuous behavior in one of Yellow Bee's members, the agency and the group were unable to agree.

Based on the issue, the label has come into a decision to disband the group. "We are deeply sorry to the fans who were waiting for the album."

However, one member of the group, Ari, denies the statement made by the agency through an Instagram post. She said that she wrote the account to explain herself as the issue has gotten bigger.

Ari expressed in her statement that they are not a distinguished group to call for explanations. She elaborated that the news spread on the internet is pointing to their personal life already; issues are becoming confusing that led to more range of stories.

The member of Yellow Bee claims that the agency's statement is highly exaggerated. "A member of our group is not the one who engages in promiscuous behavior. It is better to say that it was the agency that engaged in such behavior."

Ari expressed that the agency is making them look bad, and they don't know how to respond, which is why she appointed herself as the group's representative to defend their side.

'Yellow Bee' is a five-member group launched in November 2017 with the digital single 'Hiccup.' The original members include Berry, Boyeon, Seona, Rozy, and Somee. However, in 2019, all the members were changed. Before the disbandment, it included Annie, Ryuhee, Soye, Ari, and Seolha.