SHINee's Taemin went on a V Live broadcast on August 4 before releasing his prologue soundtrack '2 KIDS.'

Taemin communicated with supporters that he had dieted and planned to interact a lot with supporters before his return through media platforms. Taemin commented on his latest release '2KIDS' and his upcoming comeback, saying the forthcoming album 'Never Gonna Dance Again' compromises of 2 acts that portray a story. At the same time, '2KIDS' is about growing pains.

Taemin describes specific details on his upcoming album, sharing that the first one is to showcase his new side that fans have never seen in the K-pop scene before. Meanwhile, the 2nd act will be the most intense part of all.

He explained that the title 'Never Gonna Dance Again' is the entire album's literal concept. The '2 KIDS' prologue release is an electropop-track with soothing guitar work. Taemin clarified that the song was all about his recollections when he didn't understand anything about love and his youthful years.

"As I listened to the track, I wanted others to have similar memories, so I presented the song's nostalgic feelings with accurate vocals. Personally, there are indeed a ton of them that are more enthralling or nostalgic when you listen to my music, but this one is a nice song to listen to when you're about to head on your day. It's a track that can be with you forever." (via Soompi)

Taemin also shared that he would write lyrics whenever he's on the plane traveling, or whenever he gets inspired, he would take down lyrics using his phone. When asked about a fan's question regarding SHINee's comeback plans, he stated the band might be making a comeback this year or the first quarter of the year in 2021.

Unable to give fans a specific date, at least he hinted that there would be plans for the K-pop group. He concluded by acknowledging his fans for their undying support and love for his music.