FIESTAR's Jei is getting married! The singer shares her wedding plans and fans' reactions.

According to early reports, Jei announced this week through a phone that she'll be getting married in October. She revealed that many of her fans have been commenting on her Instagram and YouTube channel after she shared the marriage news. They congratulated her and shared their support for her plans.

The singer noted that from the messages she received, her wedding preparations have become happier. She expressed that the fact that she's about to get married is finally starting to feel real.

Jei also shared some details about her fiancé. She said that her fiancé is a businessman who's five years older than her. She also revealed that they met through friends and naturally began dating for more than a year.

Furthermore, she said that there were times when she could no longer show love for herself, and in those moments, her fiancé becomes more loving and understanding toward her more than she does for herself. That was the biggest reason for Jei why she decided to get married to him.

In the interview, Jei revealed that she wanted to share the news earlier about her getting married. But due to the COVID-19 situation, she kept it to herself first in a bit. She expressed being troubled about keeping her marriage plans a secret, but now, Jei is thankful that she could finally share the good news.

With a laugh, Jei added that many people are curious if she is pregnant because she made a sudden wedding announcement.

Meanwhile, the singer shared the reactions of her FIESTAR co-members and fans to her news. She said that she still remembers the nicknames and IDs of the people who showed her support since early after her debut, and now that she spoke about marriage, all those people and fans commented again, showing their support towards her plans.

She expressed how touched and happy she was to hear updates from her fans about things she was curious about, and it brought her some good memories back on her debut.

Jei then promised that if the COVID-19 situation improves and she can invite them, she plans to ask the FIESTAR members to sing at her wedding.