The new mystery drama "Missing: The Other Side" tells the story about Duon Village, where spirits of several missing deceased people reside. Four people worked together to find the truth about the village's souls' death to solve its mysteries.

In the drama, a character named Kim Wook commits fraud, and he later finds himself in the village and discovers the mysteries that he has taken an interest in. His companion, who seems discreet in his search for the missing people, is Jang Pan Seok. The character will be the connection between the Duon Village and the outside world.

Lee Jong Ah is a law-ranking public officer at a particular community center who is an avid supporter if Kim Wook. Simultaneously, Shin Joo Ho is an elite detective who lost his fiance one month before the wedding. He decides to join the missing person squad to find the love of his life. Both will go through different challenges to solve the mystery of the missing people.

Taking the role of Thomas Cha is Song Geon Hee, the café Hawaii owner in Duon village. He is holding a unique personality that will make people love him. In the new stills shown, Song Geon Hee is adorable while wearing a grey-colored Hilfiger shirt with plaid bottoms and suspenders.

Song Geon Hee is captivating in his photo while in the café carried a serene and peaceful atmosphere. The original café was said to be a hot-pleated café located in Paju.

Furthermore, in the next stills, Song Geon hee is seen outdoors sitting with a table covered with wildflowers where the background is filled with trees radiating a happy vibe during the shoot. He also looks passionate in one of the stills as he monitors the set and seen talking about the concept of the title shoot with the director and checking the title photos after they are taken.

According to the production team, the drama's next episodes will catch the viewer's undivided attention and leave them shocked and thrilled.

Catch the episodes of "Missing: The Other Side" every Saturday and Sunday at 10:30 PM, KST. Watch the thriller below!