Channel A’s new suspense drama “Lie After Lie” is about a woman who is willing to lie to put her on the life on the same line as her biological daughter.

Lee Yoo Ri plays the character of Ji Eun Soo, a woman whose life falls apart when accused of murdering her abusive husband. Despite the instance that she is innocent, she ends up inside the prison for the murder and lost custody of her daughter.

The drama got a strong start the past weekend with a viewership rating more than two times for its second episode.

Lee Yoo Ri shares that she was into the character of Ji Eun Soo when she read the parts one to four of the script, she badly wanted to be in the drama. Her last acting as a comedy, and she wanted to do something more dramatic and heartbreaking even if it is difficult.

The actress showed a deep connection with her character, and she explained that even though Ji Eun Soo’s situation may be far off from reality but it can sometimes happen even to the closest friends or neighbors. That is where she also thinks that Ji Eun Soo is not different from herself.

Moreover, Lee Yoo Ri talked about the character of Ji Eun Soo and her maternal instinct. She gave birth to her child inside the prison cell and was separated from her child immediately.

Her character, Ji Eun Soo, does not know what maternal love is and a novice who has a hard time expressing it. Lee Yoo Ri also shared that she did not do anything special to prepare, and she just went with the character and the flow of building and portraying as Ji Eun Soo.

Finally, Lee Yoo Ri also shared the most memorable part about filming is when the filming takes too long. She was constantly reminded that every person in the cast and production crew also spent much time with other actors and had many good memories of them working together. (Via Soompi)