SUPERNOVA's Yoon Hak and Sungje were reportedly gambling illegally abroad.

MBC's "Newsdesk" reported on September 14 that two SUPERNOVA members had been indicted on suspicions of gambling abroad. According to the program, the two members visited a casino in the Philippines and played baccarat one to two times between 2016 and 2018.

As per police reports, the amount they bet ranged from 7 million won (approximately $5,900) to 50 million won (roughly $42,400). Also reported by "Newsdesk" is that one of the two members had also gambled through an illegal Korean online gambling site, wrote Soompi.

In the previous week, the two members were called by the police for questioning. The two admitted to most of the suspicions. Still, they also clarified that the purpose of their trip to the Philippines was not about gambling and that they ended up gambling coincidentally. Regarding this matter, the police said that the investigations are currently ongoing, and they cannot reveal the case's details.

Furthermore, the police are also looking into the possibility of other celebrities' involvement in overseas gambling. The police are not investigating any other SUPERNOVA members except for the two.

Meanwhile, the SUPERNOVA agency, SV Entertainment, released a statement on September 15 and confirmed that the two members in question were Yoon Hak and Sungje.

In a statement released by the agency, they expressed their heartfelt apology to the fans who became worried about the unpleasant news due to the careless actions of their SUPERNOVA members Yoon Hak and Sungje.

They continued that Yoon Hak and Sungje are deeply regretting their actions. And both are currently reflecting on themselves for thinking lightly about gambling and behaving carelessly during their trip.

"Through this incident, we have once again realized that a public figure should be cautious about every action and should behave responsibly. Moreover, we will always think carefully and act responsibly. We apologize once more," said the SV Entertainment.

SUPERNOVA debuted under Maroo Entertainment in Korea in 2007. The following members returned from the military in 2007, and the group changed its name from Korean to its current name in English (SUPERNOVA) and continued promoting Japan.