BTS is in a rough spot as the group faces Chinese backlash after their speech when receiving the James A. Van Fleet Award. However, South Korea’s Military Manpower Administration Commissioner Mo Jong Hwa took the K-pop idol’s side in this issue.

Mo Jong Hwa defended BTS and stated, “The fact that BTS mentioned Korea’s alliance with the U.S. is an encouraging thing.”

The Military Manpower Administration Commissioner added that Chinese netizens should be ashamed to talk about this issue. “I think they are 100% wrong when they claim that BTS should’ve recognized the harm the allies of North Korea suffered as well,” said Mo Jong Hwa.

This statement from South Korea’s Military Manpower Administration Commissioner follows the report of China’s Foreign Affairs Deputy Director, Zhao Li Jian, who previously stated that he has taken into account the relevant articles and noticed the reactions of Chinese netizens.

“I want to say that we should learn from history, look towards the future, value love and peace, promote friendship, and these should be our common goals. These are worth us joining hand in hard work,” said Zhao Li Jian.

Meanwhile, BTS faces backlash after the 70th Korean Society Annual Gala speech. The boys tackled the Korean War and were said to be insensitive about it.

BTS’s leader RM stated, “We will always remember the history of pain that our two nations (South Korea and the U.S.) shared and the sacrifices of countless men and women. After 70 years, the world we’re living in is closer than before. Boundaries and many aspects are getting more blurry than before.”

However, Chinese netizens have an issue regarding the speech BTS RM delivered as the Chinese were at the side of Communism that backed North Korea and the Soviet Union at the time of the war.

As such, Chinese ARMYs are now targeted by Chinese netizens due to RM’s speech, given how sensitive the topic Korean War is within neighboring countries.