The court has finally decided regarding Actor Kang Ji Hwan's final sentence for the sexual assault and sexual harassment case filed against him.

An appeal was held over Kang Ji Hwan's case on June 11 this year by the Suwon High Court. The court has decided to uphold the original ruling. The actor was found guilty last December 5, 2019, and was given the sentence of two years and six months imprisonment suspended for three years of probation.

Furthermore, the actor was also ordered to conduct social service for 120 hours and took part in 40 hours of sexual offender treatment. With this, he is restricted for three years from employment.

The sentence means that if he commits an offense again during his three-year probation period, he is obliged to serve the prison sentence.

Kang Ji Hwan Receives Final Sentenced For His Sexual Assault Case

On November 5, the original ruling was upheld by the Supreme Court. This means that the actor indicted on charges of quasi-rape and quasi-indecent acts by force received a finalized court ruling. This includes two years and six months suspended for three years of probation.

Kang Ji Hwan, on July 9, 2019, was seized by police at his home in Gwangju. After receiving a complaint, two of his agency's female employees at his home were sexually molested and assaulted by him.

The actor then explained during the investigation that he remembered drinking with them but did not remember what happened afterward. A statement was then issued apologizing for what happened by his agency Huayi Brothers. They also sought another actor to replace Kang Ji Hwan in his ongoing drama series.

From Denial To Apologies

Kang Ji Hwan on July 15, 2019, finally admitted to the charges against him and asked for forgiveness from the victims involved. With this, the Huayi Brothers ended their contract with the actor.

By force, Kang Ji Hwan has then pleaded guilty to committing quasi-rape but denied part of the charges of quasi-indecent acts.

It was then revealed on the first trial held in September 2019 that the actor had offered the victims a settlement before the test. However, they refused to take the settlement.

What are your thoughts about the final sentence of actor Kwang Ji Hwan?