Composer at Brand New Music, DJ Juice, revealed that his son has developmental delays and is getting abused at his day-care.

According to Koreaboo, DJ Juice had a private discussion with Sports Chosun, giving details about his son in his day-care facility.

"We noticed my second child's body bruises since May 2019. There had been concerns that were serious enough to question the day-care center because he's a special kid with developmental issues."

DJ Juice insists his five-year-old son had significant marks and bruises on his back, including in the armpit. He initially approached the day-care center to investigate how his child got the bruises.

However, the staff only responded. "I don't know."

DJ Juice then requested to check the CCTV footage, but the day-care rejected this, saying that a formal police report is needed first. Since then, he had more ground to go public with his distress.

After the DJ's initial action, he received an anonymous tip and got a call from child protection bureaus. After reporting to the police, they checked the CCTV at the day-care center together.

According to DJ Juice, he only wanted the director of the day-care center and those involved to ask for forgiveness the first time. However, they only apologized after the suspect was revealed on the CCTV.

The DJ added that as he dug deeper for more information, more surprising things were discovered.

There have been several instances where the day-care director knew about the assault, but he just tried to cover it up. DJ Juice has filed an appeal to dismiss the director after the shocking incident. Currently, DJ Juice's petition has 4,649 signatures.

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DJ Juice's 5-year old son has developmental disorders, as his speaking is still very low for his level. According to DJ Juice, his son can only say "mom" and "dad" at this time.

We hope DJ Juice and his family gets the justice that they deserve!