MBC's black comedy mystery drama- "CHIP-IN" released new stills of Kim Hye Joon and Kim Si Eun.

The latest episode of "CHIP-IN" reveals a mansion thrown in disarray by a needle discovered by the housekeeper, Mrs. Park (Nam Mi Jung). The police investigated Yoo Bit Na (Kim Hye Joon) due to the plot of Yoo Hae Joon (Choi Kyu Jin), who sabotages Ms. Park to fabricate the needle.

However, the intelligent Yoo Bit Na used the opportunity for her advantage that brought Ms. Park onto her side to learn more about the background of Seoul Young (Kim Jung Young).

The New Partnership

The mansion, left by the wealthy artist, was occupied by fickle people who sometimes agree to work hand in hand to solve the mystery and sometimes treat each other as enemies. But in the middle of the uncertainties, comes the growing partnership of Dokgo Seon (Kim Si Eun) and Yoo BIt Na as revealed in the recent stills.

Yoo Bit Na and Dokgo Seon are cousins but did not get along with each other yet. Ms. Park, on the other hand, can testify the lousy relationship of two. Yoo Bit Na even poured a glass of water on Dokgo Seon as the latter made a joke about Yoo Bit Na being almost hit with a ceramic piece.

The time Yoo Bit Na entered the mansion, Dokgo Seon has been treating her sarcastically. She once asked Yoo Bit Na as to when she will be leaving, "It'll be great if you can leave very soon."

The Mysterious Closeness

Curiosity is rising among viewers as to how the two, Yoo Bit Na and Dokgo Seon, end up being in the same location conversing like real sisters, where they are not in a good relationship from the start.

With the different tastes of the atmosphere surrounding the two, viewers ask questions about how they end up working together in the new stills and try to plot plans on how to change the entire family's relationship.

Per Production Team

According to the production team, the two youngest members of the family, Yoo Bit Na, and Dokgo Seon will be working hand in hand. The teaming-up of the twenty-year-old children will make changes in the mansion. "Please don't miss the change that will soon happen in the house."