Kim Junsu recently appeared in SpoTV News to talk about his appearance on TV Chosun's 'Mister Trot.'

Per Soompi, the latest appearance of Kim Junsu on TV is his latest after ten years of hiatus. He appeared as 'Trot Master' on the show. Previously, the actor made an appearance on MBC's 'Share House.'

The actor shared in the interview that when he was in the military, all he does is watch TV. But now he doesn't do the same thing anymore. According to Kim Junsu, his stay in the military made him think a lot, especially when he watches hi close colleagues on TV.

Kim Junsu expressed that he keeps on saying the same thing, but if he got invited on a variety show, he wondered if he would favor. "Of course, I wasn't invited."

Furthermore, the actor shared that choosing not to appear on TV and being able to, is a world of difference. It's already been a while since he has not appeared on TV and people may not know him anymore and his history.

Kim Junsu said that people might already think that he already quit showing up on TV, even directors. He also expressed that he had many scheduled filming dates that had been canceled and was able to film many times, but the show never aired. Now, his appearance in 'Mister Trot' is such a new experience for him.

The actor also talked that he wanted to guest on television after seeing his colleagues become so approachable in their variety show. He shared that he never thought about him being rigid, narcissistic, and inhuman, but he observes that the people back in his military days thought of him like that.

The juniors in the military even told him that they feel uncomfortable being with him, and once they got a chance to hang out with each other, they say that they never thought that he was fun to be with.

Moreover, Kim Junsu also shared that his 'Mister Trot' appearance isn't really for him to show anything, but he is excited that people will see him on TV once again.

"I just wanted to show myself on TV, but the show became such a hit, I was thankful. It feels like a dream. If there's one thing I want, It's for this dream to continue, but it's not easy."