In a sequence of the now-deleted messages, new girl band member Haena, who is part of ANS, exposes the abuse she faced from her groupmates, which prompted her to suffer panic disorder and attempt suicide.

Haena has posted three updates about the subject but has removed two. There's just one message left on her own Instagram page.

Her first post explains why she doesn't believe that the people that abused her are human, but she didn't mention anyone explicitly. Her second, presently-deleted post, describes that she'd have to seek medical treatment privately as she feared she might get even more harassed.

Meanwhile, her third message, also now removed, exposed specifics of the abuse she endured, and makes reference to the perpetrators being members of her group, as she cites getting left out in the dorm and then being ganged up by the seven other members.

ANS is comprised of eight representatives. Haena described in detail the harm to herself and attempts at her own life. "I went to a hospital and was advised it would be best for me to keep away from school and away from the company because of the extreme anxiety. How did I make too many attempts to die?

I nearly jumped off the roof. I took a knife to make cuts. I used to take heavy medication that I normally didn't consume and drank Fifty sleeping pills that caused me to be admitted to hospital. Was it because I just wanted to have people pity me? Why should I say that I need sympathy when telling you about the condition of my family?" (via Koreaboo)

Haena concluded her statement by clearly stating that she doesn't care about what people would say, but all she knew for sure that the perpetrators knew who they are and what she's saying.

Previously, on her Instagram story, Haena shared a series of messages that prompted supporters to worry about whether anything happened to her.