AB6IX marked their comeback with a third mini-album, Salute!

On November 2, the group talked about their return and their new album in an interview. They made a dramatic improvement and transformation for Salute just five months after releasing their second album VIVID.

The members responded about the new concept. First, Park Woo Jin shared that he felt good to show off a recent performance soon and that they could return after five months from their last album. He added that he would work hard for the promotion and not get hurt.

Lee Dae Hwi said that he is looking forward to their comeback with a new concept and giving fans refreshing performances.

The group’s four members contributed to composing a b-side for the new album. They also shared their fun stories throughout their performances. Jeon Woong was grateful for singing very well as they recorded Heaven, just the way he imagined. Also, Kim Dong Hyun shared that the song Maybe is about farewell, so he asked the members to sing it like someone is going through a breakup.

Jeon Woong and Park Woo Jin picked the group choreography teaming up with their backup dancers as the primary performance point as they discussed their title track SALUTE.

When asked about their goals for the current promotions and the rest of 2020, the group members have only two months left in the year. Kim Dong Hyun responded that if possible, they would see the fans and perform for them before the year ends. Lee Dae Hwi also gave the same answer, seeing the fans and perform in public and also includes 2020 awards shows.

Moreover, Jeon Woong shared that they are hoping that AB6IX will receive more love from the public and could end 2020 well without getting hurt. Also, park Woo Jin responded that his goal for the promotion is that nobody will get hurt and to have fun with the member while promoting together.

Finally, AB6IX discussed their plans in the future, to work hard to showcase their unique music and continue to reach their goals. They were also hoping to meet the fans soon in good health.

Lastly, AB6IX discussed their plans and shared messages with their fans.